Saving Herbs


Six ways to save summer herbs for winter use.

Saving Herbs

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Some Possible Herbs

  • sage
  • parsley
  • rosemary
  • chives
  • basil
  • thyme

Depending on the Method Picked:

  • lemon zest
  • olive oil
  • butter
  • salt
  • garlic


Simple Freeze

  • Wash, dry and lay out sprigs on sheet pan in freezer with plenty of space.
  • When frozen, store in plastic bag.

Herb Bombs Froze

  • wash, dry, remove leaves from stems, chop.
  • Add teaspoon to silicone tray, cover with olive oil but just barely, after slight cold holding in place then add thin cover over top of leaves popping into the air. (Trying not to end up with too much oil)
  • Use when needed for saute or roasting or soup.

Herbed Salt

  • Blend leaves and mix with salt.
  • My fav herb salt also has garlic and not sure what form it's in.
  • Pour into a jar. It even improves over time. (Use salt like whole foods Sage Salt mix)

Butter Herb Roll

  • Mix chopped leaves with butter by hand and add some lemon zest.
  • Roll into roll with saran wrap. Chill. Prob can also freeze discs.

Infused Olive Oil

  • Air dry thoroughly (below) until crispy and add leaves and stems to jar.
  • Cover with olive oil.


  • Wash and dry and hang in bunches from stems.
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